
The AcPedia is a body of knowledge (BoK) that is used to represent the complete set of concepts, terms and activities that make up a professional service engineering and management domain. The main aims and objectives of the ACPedia are to improve performance, productivity, and quality of service. Using the ACPedia should improve the level of service management by creating consistency in quality of service. Performing the service system according to the ACPedia should create understanding of the differences between customer expectations and the service providers. Furthermore, it can empowerment team work and hence increase the involvement and loyalty of the organization human resource. The ACPedia contains the following knowledge areas:
Customer experience management describes the appropriate way of managing the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of or services, over the duration of their relationship.
Operations management and service delivery describes the processes involved in the service processes includes all the work required to be completed. It includes also the description of the process and activities that integrate the various elements of service management. 
Infrastructure management provides the needed computerized systems that facilitate the service processes.
Service economy management presents the processes involved in planning, estimating budgeting costs and resources so that the service processes  are completed within the approved budget on time and according to the predefined scope.
Human resource Management describes the processes that organize and manage the service team.
Risk management describes the processes concerned with conducting risk management within the service processes.
Legal and regulatory environment management provides all the needed legal and regulatory issues associated with the service processes.

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